Saturday, May 21, 2011


poor guy:please make me rich rich man..
rich man:i can't do that because i don't like a people like you!!!
poor guy:why why can't you make me rich like you.....
rich man:don't pull me....let me go stinky man..
poor guy:i just want money...
rich man:you want money right,let me go first than i give you money...
poor guy:OK!!!
rich man:hahahahaha...stupid poor guy,you just got trick...
narrator:and then the rich man got hit by a car..the poor guytook his money and the poor guy got rich...$$$$$$$$...So he changed his name a KING RICH......THE END!
King rich:this story no t end yet you stupid narrator...i become rich and i get a hot ladies,limo,gang and money...
narrator:shut up you King rich go to bed.... you stupid maniac!!!!!THe

Monday, February 14, 2011

StUpId J0b!!!!!!

  1. Read things that don’t matter, then write papers saying they do matter, for points that don’t matter, in order to get a job doing something totally unrelated: Student
  2. Take numbers on pieces of paper, rearrange them and put them on different pieces of paper: Tax Accountant
  3. Explain big words to sales people and then cower before customers while trying to convince them that the sales people really didn’t say what the customers understood: Customer Solutions Engineer
  4. Learn laws created ages ago so that I can tell engineers why I’m smarter than they are while complaining how it’s a travesty that they get paid more: Physics major
  5. Show you innovative ways to burn money in the spirit of patriotism: Fireworks Stand Manager
  6. Help people lie consistently to their bosses: Business Intelligence Consultant
  7. Teach your kids enough to complain but not enough to make a difference: College Teacher
  8. Pass poisonous gas on command: Research Assistant in solid state ammonia storage
  9. Make people who are already filthy rich somewhat richer by duping poor people into buying stuff they don’t need: Corporate Software Engineer
  10. Find as many synonyms for “explosion” as possible: Novelist for Teenage Boys
  11. Supervise the guys and gals who try to protect the good people from the bad, only to be hated by the good people AND the bad: Police Sergeant
  12. Make corporate propaganda feel like folksy truthisms: TV Ad Director
  13. Manage waste recycling, promotion & sales: Antiques Dealer
  14. Arrive after the battle and bayonet all the wounded: Auditor
  15. Sell gas: Energy and Telecom Business Analyst
  16. Tell forty year-old men it’s okay to behave like fourteen year-old school girls: Printing Press Production Coordinator
  17. Provide arcane information on a need-to-know basis: Chief Accountant
  18. Shepherd clients through the process of setting their products on fire: Consumer Products Tester
  19. Manage urban renewal and pest control: B-52 Bomber pilot
  20. Persuade kids that it’s really fun being wet, cold and scared out of their minds: Sailing Instructor
  21. Draw up plans for something that will not be built according to those plans: Civil Engineer, Transportation Design
  22. Teach kids to be evil…or so they say: Video Game Creator
  23. Ensure that stupid people stay in the gene pool: Lifeguard
  24. Spend most of the day looking out the window: Pilot
  25. Wear a tuxedo and smash metal plates into each other: Musician
  26. Go to strange people’s houses and take their money: Pizza Delivery Boy
  27. Sell gluttony: Cinema Concession Stand Attendant
  28. Tell people that they can’t spend money they thought they had: Government Analyst
  29. Take pictures of the unlucky and the stupid: X-ray Technician
  30. Profit from the misfortunes of others: Cops and Courts Reporter
  31. Take a simple two-way promise and turn it into several complicated one-way promises which neither side can understand or hope to fulfill: Lawyer
  32. Bring a little rain into the lives of flood victims: Government Debt Collector
  33. Have people spend far more than they estimated: Building Inspector
  34. Make sure nothing ever happens: IT Security
  35. Move things from one tube to another: Microbiologist
  36. Try not to kill the baby: Housewife
  37. Misinterpret the universe: Astronomer
  38. Be a human napkin: Stay-at-home mom of three
  39. Run away and call the police: Security Guard
  40. Copy and paste the Internet: Student

Sunday, February 13, 2011





Science stupid
you know stupid is so......mmm @!#$!!
you know what i mean.....
OK.....bye i think,
BYE EVERY 1!!!!!!!!!!
I miss
wait i say i hate science right...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Buah cempedak di luar pagar
Ambil galah tolong jolokkan
Kenapa kau nak jolok pakai galah
Sebab cempedak tu dah jatuh kat luar pagar .

Kalau ada sumur di ladang
Bolehlah hamba menumpang mandi
Patutlah bau badan kau busuk semacam
Bilik air ada, buat apa kau mandi kat ladang..

Pisang emas dibawa berlayar
Masak sebiji di atas peti
Kat pasaraya tak ada hutang hutang
Kalau nak, bayar, Cash On Delivery

Kalau ada jarum yang patah
Jangan di simpan di dalam peti
Kesian betul dengan kau ni
Jarum patah pun kau simpan dalam peti.

Dua tiga kucing berlari
Mana nak sama si kucing belang
Kalau kau berani kejarlah kucing tu
Mesti kau kena cakar sampai berbelang-belang gak..

Kajang Pak Malau kajang berlipat
Kajang hamba mengkuang layu
Kain Pak Malau, Mak Limah yang lipat
Kain aku, si pencuri yang sapu

Rumah Pak Mamat di tepi sawah
Pakai langsir berwarna biru
Ooi Pak Mat, langsir warna biru tak lawa lah
Pakailah warna kuning ke, hijau ke, kelabu asap ke.

Air pasang dalam surut pukul lima
Nyonya bangun pagi siram pokok bunga
Haloo nyonya, mau tanya sikit
Siram pokok bunga aje, tak jual sayur ka?

Tuai padi antara masak
Esok jangan layu-layuan
Kalau padi tu belumlah masak
Janganlah tuai, taklah layu-layuan. .

Limau purut masak di dahan
Batang selasih condong uratnya
Limau purut tak boleh makan
Nanti sakit perut apa ubatnya.

Pulau Pandan jauh ke tengah
Gunung Daik bercabang tiga
Buat apa nak ke Pulau Pandan yang jauh tu
Pergi aje ke Kampung Pandan

Sorong papan tarik padan
Buah keranji dalam perahu
Tolonglah jangan makan buah keranji tu
Nanti badan kau orang berbau.

Hayya Cik Siti, perempuan banyak muda
Ana banyak takut jalan tutup mata
Memanglah takut kalau jalan tutup mata
Sebab takut terpijak lubang Indah Water

Encik Baba jatuh dalam parit
Cik Aminah ketawa jerit jerit
Sampai hati Cik Aminah ketawakan saya jerit-jerit
Mentang-mentanglah saya jatuh dalam parit

Buai laju laju
Sampai pokok sena
Woii, jangan buai laju-laju
Nanti kang tercampak kat pokok sena

Timang tinggi-tinggi
Sampai cucur atap
Cucur atap tak sedap
Cucuk pisang, cucur udang, haaa tu sedap

Thursday, February 3, 2011


1) Jilat-jilat bila dah basah baru cucuk, jilat-jilat bila dah basah baru cucuk

2) Banyak-banyak bas, bas apa yang pandai

3) Banyak-banyak mi, mi apa yang boleh makan ngan ais

4) Kenapa anjing kencing angkat sebelah kaki

5) Apa perbezaan lampu stadium ngan lampu bilik

6) Apa binatang, badan kecik macam semut tapi mata besar "bulb" mentol

7) Mana lagi tua, motorsikal ke kereta?

8) Kangkang peluk, kangkag peluk, bila dah dekat climax pegang buah

9) Ahmad bin Abu, kambing bin apa?

10) Bagaimana nak bezakan ikan betina ngan ikan jantan?
11) Gajah lalu patah titi....!!!semut lalu patah aper...!!!
12) ianya kereta tapi orang tak panggil kereta apakah itu..???